Welcome to Metaphors and Madness!

Hi, name’s Michael, glad to see you here, thanks for visiting!

I’m currently setting up the site, which should take a little while.

I have a lot of blog posts planned! Prepare for a lot of Christian insights and intercontextual, topical bible studies along with Psychology and Myers-Briggs stuff.

Okay, now to be completely candid:

This blog, at this moment, is mostly for me. I figure that people RARELY check up on what someone’s first posts and videos really look like. I mean, look at the first videos of Markiplier, a guy who has over 10 million subs, and there’s barely any views on there!

So I feel pretty safe to just try out whatever feels right. My goal for this period of my life isn’t to produce some A-standard work, actually.  I’m just trying to get into the habit of putting my ideas out there on paper.  Not to say that the quality of my posts will suck, just to say that I’m okay with an “A-” post, so I can go onward and have fun with this!

So I hope you enjoy the content I’m soon to put out here!

Signing off,


Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


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